Sport alone won’t enable you to reach the peak of your athletic ability. Why? The reasons are ingrained in our three-step approach to building athleticism:
(training improves each one)

Step 1: Pattern
Elite performance at one sport eventually leads to overuse, dysfunction and pain. Our sports are like branches of a tree, each one a little different but they are all connected – and fed by the same roots.
Training should be about cultivating the roots of your athleticism. Pattern better movements in training, and all the branches will grow.

Step 2: Load
Strength training allows us to slow down and add more load (force) to our movements, which increases our body’s ability to produce force. Sport alone rarely helps athletes get stronger because it’s too fast and the loads are too light.
Too much strength will slow you down, and too much sport will leave you weak and susceptible to injury. Seek balance.

Step 3: Accelerate
To develop speed and power at a high level, you need to do less volume, at a faster speed, with moderate loads.
Sport alone is often too continuous to allow for maximum power and speed to improve beyond a baseline. You need training for that.
If you want to get started experiencing the full spectrum of your athletic ability, check out our training plans & programs or consider joining the Samsara Athlete Team.